In this second season premiere of The Spooky Action Show, The Devil is in the details as Nick and Lindsay explore the New Jersey Pine Barrens and discuss carnivorous plants, pirate legends, ghost stories, monsters and more, plus Nick interviews Dr. Angus Gillespie about the folklore surrounding the Jersey Devil.
Special thanks to folklorist, Dr. Angus Gillespie, Professor of American Studies at Rutgers University, for sharing his expertise on the legend of the Pine Barrens’ most infamous inhabitant.
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IG: @thespookyactionshow
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Sources and Links:
Pinelands History Timeline Pinelands Preservation Alliance
Jack Rose Cocktail Wikipedia
Baldy Jack Rose Bio Wikipedia
Pine Barrens Plants Save the Source
Pinelands Ecosystem Pinelands Preservation Alliance
Sundews National Wildlife Federation
Aquifer Map
Industry Old South Jersey Glass
Dr. Angus Gillespie Rutgers State University
North American Monsters: A Contemporary Legend Casebook David J. Puglia, Editor, via Amazon
Leeds Family History and Crest Hoosier Kin
Poor Richard’s Almanack Franklin links Benjamin Franklin Historical Society
Lenni-Lanape Tribal History The Nanticoke Lenni-Lenape
Pirates in New Jersey Asbury Park Press
William Kidd Britannica
Captain Kidd BBC
Emilio Carranza Memorial
1909 Jersey Devil Flap The
Jabberwocky Poem by Lewis Carroll Scottish Poetry Library
Jabber Devil Side-By-Side Comparison Instagram
Nick’s Drawing of a Carnivorous Plant Instagram